Well, I have worked at my new job for over a week now. It's a new experience, that's for sure. I have never felt so tender hearted at a work place before. I work with people who are fighting for their lives, and it's a bit overwhelming. Cancer is an ugly thing. It's heartbreaking to see what the Chemo treatments do to these sweet people, and yet it's helping them get better, so they get the treatments anyway. Cancer doesn't care if you are 2 or 92. It doesn't care if you have a family or not. It doesn't care if you are male or female. It doesn't care if you are rich or poor. Cancer is everywhere. I'm going to have to toughen up a bit to keep working in this office, because frankly, I get a sinking feeling every time I remember the little boy crying while getting blood drawn and then again while getting his chemo treatments. It's like a bad dream you really really want to wake up from. Even though I have only worked there for a week, this job has changed my life. These people I have met have touched my heart, and have helped slam me back into the reality of what is truly important in this life. People, not things, are the most important.
Life is sacred.
I pray for a world with no more cancer.