Tuesday, April 9, 2013


My favorite quote of the day, from a patients brother:

Man: WOO-WEEE, look out! I'm noticing that pretty thing isn't wearing a wedding ring..... Are you really not married?
Me: Uh... haha, no, I'm not.
Man: Well, you must really not like men, or the guys around here are all BLIND!

How am I supposed to react to that? Still not sure if I feel like that was a compliment or not..... coming from a man in his early 60's, who then made a comment about not feeling good unless he is holding a beer..... Haha! I really love my job! Seriously, I do!! :D

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Royal Flush

To the patients wife, who flushed her phone AND its case down the toilet on accident, yesterday at work, THANK YOU! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. The best part was she didn't realize she had flushed it, and was looking all over the office for it. She realized it might have been flushed only when another patient came out of the bathroom and said the toilet wasn't working...... How is that even possible? :D

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ladybug Ladybug Fly Away Home

As I was finishing up the dishes today something caught my eye on the windowsill. I took a closer look and could do nothing to hold back the smile that involuntarily found it's way onto my face. It was a Ladybug! A Ladybug! My eyes were on the little beetle but my mind was flying through a whole file of fun summer activities that I want to do. Summer doesn't seem too far away now. Thanks little Ladybug! :D

Friday, February 15, 2013


I wish I could capture how amazing these smell too! Our kitchen smells like a floral shoppe. What a good Valentines Day! :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The random post about yogurt....

You may say "But Catherine, yogurt is yogurt, it doesn't really matter what kind it is." To which I would reply "Dear friend, I too used to think that way until the moment I tasted The Greek Gods honey yogurt. Now My life is forever changed!" ........ :) NO, but seriously, I love that stuff! If you haven't tried it..... then get to it, make it happen!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

And I Think to Myself "What a Wonderful World"

My cruise to Mexico was such a fun adventure! On my vacation I.....

Got a tad bit motion sick the first and second day......
(I'm sure Tropical Storm Paul, who was a hurricane wanna-be, and was right in our path, had nothing to do with it. One crew member, who had worked on cruise ships for 25 years, said that was the second time he could remember the motion on a ship being that bad. It was quite a memorable adventure! I finally quit worrying about walking in a straight line. Zig-zags work too.)
 Played a few card games to pass the time......

Let a strange man put reptiles on me.....
ME: Um, these are going to poop on me!
MAN: No, no. Thay no poop. Thay, like Amereecans! 
(Whew! Dodged that bullet.! Smart lizards.) 
Zip-lined through the beautiful, green, jungally (Is that even a word? ...It is today), mountains of Puerto Vallarta. I LOVED this day of my vacation!

Found out that my hair kind if likes Mexican rain storms.....
(Directions: Allow Mexican rain to saturate hair thoroughly, then air dry. No product necessary) 

Took in the beauty of some of the buildings and churches as we strolled around...... 

Spent plenty of time just being mesmerized by the ocean....

Was entertained by the magician working on the boat, and by people off the boat......
Had an awesome steward (Emanuel) who made my bed, cleaned my room, turned my bed down at night, and made these cool towel animals every night......

Went snorkeling in the Sea of Cortez while in Cabo. The Sea of Cortez is the second saltiest sea next to the Dead Sea. Man did it sting getting that water in my eyes and nose! Have you ever wondered what Sea of Cortez water tastes like? Not good! (I would know, I got a nice big gulp of it while snorkeling because I put my head too far into the water..... I was just so excited! :)   

Ate lots and lots of yummy food.....
(With a few exceptions. Escargot or Frog Legs, anyone? Eww!!)
Got all gussied up for some fancy dinning,.... 

Rode in a Mexican taxi
(Why waste money on silly things like seat belts?)
Once we got back to California Shawndra's brother and wife took us sight seeing around Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica. I thought Santa Monica was beautiful! Hollywood, not so much....  
I loved all of the fun new adventures that I got to experience on this vacation! My MOST favorite part though was seeing the incredibly beautiful earth that Heavenly Father has given us.....

Thursday, October 4, 2012

So Excited, and I Just Can't Hide It!!!

I am SO excited! The countdown is ON! 9 days! Only 9 days and I will be sailing off on a cruise ship headed down the Mexican Riviera. The excitment is almost more than I can handle! :)
Passport - check
Shorts - check
Flipflops - check
Sunscreen - check
Okay, we're all good to go!