Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sew Cool!

This semester I have been in a sewing class and have had the opportunity to make some really fun things that I had never even considered making before (ie. a coat). It has been a lot of fun to see how they have turned out. Usually sewing classes are a little bit frustrating to me and I get a little agitated in them, but this class has been wonderful! Phew! :) So, this is the coat that I made. I think it turned out pretty well.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Just A Little Bit Rockin' Roll

Despite being a little bit embarrassed about this video I decided to post it anyway because it makes me laugh. To me the funniest part about this is that the day after this was recorded I was wondering why I felt like I had whip lash... hmm. Oh and I really didn't know that my friend was recording... how embarassing, especially since I pretty much never act quite like this. Oh well what can I say, it was a rockin' roll sort of night.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Seriously Missing My Brother And His Family!

Please excuse me while I sulk for just a second...
I don't think this is fun at all! I am seriously missing my FAVORITE brother my SWEETEST sis-in-law and my CUTEST nieces! I think Christmas may be too far away; I want to see them sooner than that! I am so grateful for family and I am grateful that my family is so amazing that I do miss them when they aren't around. :) I keep on hearing things that I think are funny but no one really gets my sense of humor so I just end-up wishing Doug was here so that someone was on the same page with me. And then I have been in a sewing class this semester and I have really been wishing Lydia was here so I could show her what I have been making; I know she would appreciate what I have done. Then of course it's pretty obvious why I miss my nieces... they are just the cutest girls in the whole world, and the most lovable!
Anyway, that's my little rant for the day! :) I miss you Doug, Lyd, Amberlee, and Autumn. Love you!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Nerd Herd

We decided, as an apartment, that we would be nerds for Halloween!
And oh, the FUN we had! It made me laugh to look at all of us in our "gettup" and to see how each of us interpreted the meaning of the word "nerd." We all had the same basic idea going on but we also each had our own unique nerd flair.
My favorite part of the outfits we wore were our glasses! We all went to the dollarstore and got glasses that we could pop the lenses out of. By the end of the night we were all pretty attatched to our unique fashion statment glasses!

After getting ready, we got a big group of friends together and went to the Straw Maze in Salem. It was a lot fun, and yes, we did in fact get lost quite a few times in there :). The maze was not really a "haunted" maze, but it was a "spook" maze and so there were a few creatures in there that were a little less than plesant. This guy below was, in my opinion, the scariest creature in the maze! Something about how tall he was on those stilts. He was nice enough to let us get some pictures with him though.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Now Close Your Left Eyebrow... Wait, What?

Okay... this picture is silly, but it makes me laugh anyway.
I was about ready to leave my apartment and my roommates told me that I had to promise that I would not be gone very long. I promised them that I would hurry, but I guess that was not good enough. Erin then proceeded to make me promise by telling me to raise my right arm... then lift my left foot... stick out my tongue... and finally close my left eyebrow... ??? haha... what? I did my best at trying to do that... but obviously... well, I just don't think that it's possible.