Thursday, August 26, 2010

Raging Waters in Salt Lake City

I wish I had taken some pictures of the fun day I had with my friends on Saturday, but sadly, I didn't. My morning started bright and early at 5:30 when I woke up to get ready to go. By a little after 6:30 my friend had picked me up and we were on our way to meet up with the rest of the group so we could head out. Where were we headed out to you ask? Please refer to post heading for answer...... It was so much fun!

We spent four hours driving to get there, spent the day there, and then headed home again that night. Such a blast!

(I rode these rides/slides. You can't see it in the picture, but the two white parallel slides have heavey yellow skimmers that people have to sit on. They scoot you up to the edge and then push a lever that drops people down the slide. It's really fun!)

The only slightly negative part of the trip was that someone from the group got his car stolen.... yeah.... stolen. They were able to find it eventually, but by then it had been stripped.

The blessing of the day was that my friend Tal had decided at the last minute to take his moms van instead of his car. We had extra seats on the way down to Utah but we were able to fill them up on the way home with people who had ridden in the car that was stolen. So, everyone got back to Rexburg safely that night. What an adventure!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I like to look for rainbows...

I love rainy days. I love the smell of rain. I love the feel of rain. I love the look of rain. And, I love the rainbows that usually appear. Today's double rainbow was especially beautiful. I wish pictures could do it justice. I also wish that I could have gotten the whole thing in one shot...but it was too big.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Harvest time

I spent a full afternoon and evening on wednesday picking and snapping beans, and then ALL day Thursday canning the beans. And it was well worth it because by 9:30 Thursday night there were 34 beautiful bottles of beans cooling off and ready to be added to the food storage. I don't know why but I love the smell of beans cooking in the pressure cooker...

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Friday, August 13, 2010

simple life

If only...

If only I had $500 -ish to spend on this beautiful bike... I totally would... :D