Sunday, February 28, 2010

Life Lately...

My life this semester has basically consisted of school, school, and more school! I do occasionally find a little bit of time for sleep, but not much.
My Medical Assisting lab is by far my favorite class! I like it because it's a hands-on class. So far I've learned how to position patients, take blood pressure, give subcutaneous injections in the arm, intramuscular injections in the deltoid, thigh, and bum, and intradermal injections in the forearm. Most recently I learned how to draw blood, hence the pictures below. I have enjoyed doing everything, but my favorite has definitely been drawing blood. It's a pretty fun adventure!

Me drawing blood from one of my classmates

Me getting my blood drawn.

Everyone in my class has had plenty of battle-wounds as a result of this class! But, I think we have also been pretty proud of them! :)


Robby and Brittany Williams said...

I miss you. I need to come visit you!

Lyd Stew said...

Those pictures make me woozy just looking at them- this is one time I am happy not to be around in case you are looking for someone to practice on. :) I am so proud of you though- my goodness- you and Doug are delinitely cut out of the same cloth to be able to find "pleasure" in such things. :) WAY TO GO! Keep up the good work... on other people. :)

Robby and Brittany Williams said...

You're a VAMPIRE! I knew it!